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Sustainable Wednesday: Eco-Friendly Accommodation for International Students

Published Bernice on Wednesday, January 17, 2024 9:00 AM

Sustainable Wednesday: Eco-Friendly Accommodation for International Students

Welcome to another article in our brand new Sustainable Wednesday series, where we share insights, tips and tricks to help international education establishments reduce their carbon footprint. 

In this week’s article, we focus on ways in which international schools and universities can offer more sustainable housing options to their students.

Emphasising sustainable accommodation design

One of the first steps is incorporating energy-efficient design and practices in student housing. This could include the installation of solar panels in campus accommodation and the use of recycled materials wherever possible. Energy efficiency is also paramount, so schools should consider investing in LED lighting, energy-efficient appliances and smart systems that monitor and control energy use. 

Encouraging eco-friendly day-to-day practices

Equally important is prompting students to take up more sustainable daily habits. For example, schools and universities can encourage a culture of minimal waste in their accommodation options by providing facilities for recycling and composting. On top of this, homestay hosts have a unique opportunity to showcase eco-friendly living to international students. Sharing tips for conserving water and energy, such as turning off lights and taps when not in use, as well as introducing students to local, organic foods can have a significant impact. 

Promoting sustainable transportation

Reducing the reliance on cars is another habit that should be encouraged. University campuses should provide the necessary infrastructure for cycling and walking, such as bike racks and safe pedestrian paths. Likewise, homestay hosts and other accommodation providers should give students the information they need to feel confident getting around on local public transport. 

By adopting these eco-friendly practices, educational establishments can significantly contribute to environmental sustainability while offering students a comfortable and responsible living space. Eco-friendly accommodation not only benefits the planet, but also educates the next generation to live more sustainably.

Stay tuned for more of our sustainability tips next week! 

Written by Stephanie Clark 

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